10–14 Jul 2023 PDT
Timberlake Church | Redmond, 4505 236th Ave NE, Redmond, WA, USA Map
Timberlake Church Kids Summer Camp for incoming Kindergarteners through outgoing 5th graders for the fall 2023 school year!
If you would like to join us in serving, all volunteers get free camp for their kids, child care is provided for Infants-4 year Olds, and lunch is provided for All-Day volunteers. https://tinyurl.com/Amazing-Volunteers
Your kids will enjoy our OUT OF THIS WORLD Adventure Bible Camp where we will explore how we can help shine Jesus' light. With creative Bible story telling, engaging music, hands on crafts and experiments, and exciting games and activities; it will be a week your kids won't want to miss.
*Refillable Water Bottle- touch free filling stations available on our campus.
*Shoes you can run in! We will be moving a lot during camp.
*A Bible- (Optional). All Day Kids will be digging deeper in the world of the word. We have extras on hand to share.
*FOR ALL DAY KIDS- lunch. We will not have a refrigerator or microwave available for campers so please plan accordingly. Snacks are provided during our AM and PM Sessions with allergy restrictions taken into consideration
*A BIG smile because you are about to have an amazing week!
Camp Day 1- Registration:
1. It is most convenient to enter through the upper entrance near the Timberlake Church Sign.
2. Follow the friendly greeters in VBS leader shirts to our registration area at the front of church.
3. In the lobby- check in at the table (organized by last name). We will confirm that we have all the appropriate forms filled out and you will be able to pick up your child’s camp shirt.
4. You will be directed to your child’s home room for drop off. This is where you will also pick them up at the end of the camp day! Subsequent days of camp, you can go straight to your child’s home room for drop off.
5. You will receive a Guardian Tag to pick up your child. PRO TIP: Take a picture of the card so you don’t have to keep track of the paper. Just text the picture to anyone you authorize to pick up your child for our secure check out.
Performance Sunday AND Bounce House and BBQ
On July 16th - all our Adventure Bible Campers and Timberlake Kids will be singing our main camp song This Little Light as part of all of our adult services. Kids should wear their Adventure Bible Camp Shirts. Feel free to invite your friends and family to support your child!! Following the 10:15 and 11:30 Services we will also be having one of our family-favorite BOUNCE HOUSE AND BBQs! This is a great time to meet new people at the church.
Wanna be in the room where it happens?
There is still time to use your gifts and join our fantastic team in making your child’s camp experiences AMAZING! From small group leaders who bond with our kids, the team that carefully prepares the snacks, the friendly faces warmly greeting families who may be visiting our church for the first time. We will provide a free and exclusive preschool camp experience for your Birth-PreK kids as well as provide lunch for our all-day volunteers. Middle School and High School Students can also serve at Adventure Bible Camp. This is a great way to earn service hours while making an eternal difference!
A Day at Camp:
*Each day will bring a new Bible Story, Memory Verse, object lesson, worship, games, and fellowship.
*Crews: Each day campers will begin their day at their Home Station. Here kids will have some time to connect and play with their consistent small group.
*Opening Session: An energetic large group time of worship and games to kick off each camp day.
*Rotations- Groups travel together through a series of experiences each day that are designed to creatively share each day’s Bible Story and give kids a time to bond. Our rotations are:
*Games- while Adventure Bible Camp might be all fun and games, our Games Rotation is where kids get to let loose, play energetic games with their Crew, and build friendships.
*Snacks- tasty treat and more time to bond with their small groups. Campers will learn more about each day's Bible Buddy and how we can Shine Jesus' Light with that day's Bible Story
*Imagination Station-Kids will meet one of our amazing Station Hosts who will guide kids in experimenting with our daily "science gizmo" to help explore the day's Bible point more deeply.
*Deep Bible Quest- an immersive story telling experience that will bring the Bible to life for your child.
*Bounce House- to get out even more wiggles (weather permitting)
*Closing Session- Ending our camp day with worship and going over all the amazing things the kids experienced
*Check Out at the Home Stations
All Day kids also have a couple additional rotations:
*Small Group- Daily activities that help to enrich kid's experience with that day's bible story
*Devo Time- dig deeper into our story and the world around us and apply it to our contemporary context
*Craft- let their creative juices flow with a new craft each day at our craft station
*Exploration Station- experience a new STEM activity each day
*Movie Lunch Break- to wind down a bit to prepare for another event-filled afternoon.
*Optional After Care for busy parents.
What is your Well Child Policy at Timberlake Church?
If your child is feeling unwell or experiencing any flu like symptoms or a fever over 100.4, please keep your child at home until they have fully recovered.
Can my child and their friend be in the same group?
If both children are in the same grade and same session (AM/PM/All Day) they can be in the same group. Please make sure to note it on the registration form under "Anything else we should know?"
How are food allergies handled at Adventure Bible Camp?
Kids will have their allergies printed on their name tag as well as get a red Tyvek bracelet at check in at their room to identify to their leader and our amazing snack team to be aware of potential allergies. We have a few alternatives for common food allergies such as peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, gluten, eggs, shellfish, seafood, and various fruits. For more specific dietary needs, you may want to consider packing a snack for your child.
Half Day Campers have 1 snack as part of their rotations and All Day Campers have a morning and afternoon snack. If you would like more information about our snack plan, please let us know.
What are the Times for Drop off/Pick Up?
Morning Session Drop off starts at 8:45am with pick up between 12:00pm and 12:15pm.
Afternoon Session Drop off starts at 12:45pm with pick up between 4:00pm and 4:15pm.
All Day Session Drop off starts at 8:45am with pick up between 4:00pm and 4:15pm.
All Day with Aftercare Drop off starts at 8:45am with pick up between 6:00pm and 6:15pm.
For Morning, Afternoon, and All Day- you will pick up your child in the room where you checked them in. For After Care, you will pick up your Child our After Care Classroom TBD.
Will CD’s be available for sale this year?
Since we stepped away from the traditional VBS songs, we don’t have a physical CD to sell, please be sure to pick up our FREE Camp Tunes Touch Card with QR Codes to our official Adventure Bible Camp Spotify and YouTube Playlists!
Can I buy an extra T-shirt for my child?
Starting the second day of camp, we will have a limited number of surplus Adventure Bible Camp T-shirts available for sale.